Coming soon....... eConsult from 17th March 2025
As part of our efforts to improve access to our services we are launching eConsult - an online GP service.
This will make it easier for our patients to get the most appropriate help for them without having to telephone the practice for an appointment. From Monday 17th March the following services will become available on our online eConsult platform and you may be asked to access them.
- Continuation of an already agreed sick-line.
- Medication reviews including for Depression or HRT
- Submission of home blood pressure readings
- GDPR requests (information from patient records or requests for GP letters etc)
- Requests for chasing up hospital referrals
Welcome to Tain and Fearn Area Medical practice
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The Medical practice is made up of the doctors and the practice Staff.
The Primary Health Care Team consists of the Medical practice plus the Nursing staff and Midwives, Physiotherapists, Podiatrist, Dentist and visiting Specialists. All members of the team have specific skills and experience which they bring together to provide the help you need. The Team is a member of South and Mid Operational Unit which is part of NHS Highland.
This surgery website is used to present all our patients with up to date news and information about our practice. We will keep it current with any developments or other details that we feel are relevant to you.
As well as a source of information about our practice, the staff and the services we provide, we hope you will use this website as a useful resource for other health-related information. Please have a look around and do send us some feedback if you like. We can use your ideas to improve our online services and further develop the content of this site.
(Site updated 13/03/2025)