Useful Numbers

Drs (appointments and enquiries)01862 892759
Drs (emergency and home visits)01862 893322

Community Nurses including Treatment Room

(via Single Point of Access)

01349 853131
Midwives01862 890077

Health Visitor

School Nurse

01862 894098

01349 886909

Podiatrist01463 723250
Physiotherapist (advice and self-referral line)

0800 917 9390

Highland Health Council      01463 723930
Raigmore Hospital, Inverness     01463 704000
Lawson Memorial Hospital, Golspie    01408 633157
County Hospital, Invergordon     01349 852496
Ross Memorial Hospital, Dingwall    01349 863313
Social Work Department (via Single Point of Access)     01349 853131
Chemist –  Well 23-25 (previously Co-op mid high street)    01862 892002

Chemist - Well 5-9 (Previously Ross near Royal Hotel)   

Chemist - Balintore Pharmacy 

01862 892009

01862 832291

Optician (Mr Campbell)      

01862 892559
Samaritans        01463 713456
Relate         01463 712888
Citizens Advice Bureau      01349 883333
Highland Health Board      01463 717123
Rape and Abuse line      01349 865316
Childline        0800 1111
Dentist        01862 892036
Dental Helpline       

08456 442271

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